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Advanced Stochastic Modelling and Monte Carlo Methods

In Semester 1 this year, I will again be teaching an honours course which I have roughly titled: Advanced Stochastic Modelling and Monte Carlo Methods. For those of you considering it, this post gives an outline of the topics I intend to cover this year. Due to the restrictions on in-person teaching and workload constraints, all honours courses will be run as reading courses this year. This means there will be no lectures and instead a single weekly workshop. The picture above is created using a technique called path tracing that we will cover and code in week 3.

Obviously, this is a course with a large coding component. I will teach and provide examples using the Julia language. The syntax is similar to MATLAB, but it’s much faster and perfect for this type of numerical work. I don’t mind if you have another favourite you want to use (R or Python) but you will have to translate the answers yourself. Currently I’m planning on the assessment comprising 4 assignments and 2 mini-projects with no exam. If you want more information please come and see me or send me an email.

  1. Monte Carlo methods and random number generation.
  2. Importance sampling and variance reduction techniques.
  3. Path tracing, aka solving the light transport equation.
  4. SDE models and option pricing.
  5. Multi-level Monte Carlo
  6. Continuos-time Markov chain models, reaction network specification.
  7. Markov chain Monte Carlo: Metropolis-Hastings, Gibbs etc….
  8. Inference for state-space models, Kalman filter
  9. Sequential Monte Carlo, particle filters
  10. Pseudo-marginal methods (PMMH).